Some background information on this event. In the Filipino culture when a girl turns 16 she is introduced to society as a lady. This happens at a ball with a special dance. Am turned 16 in July and so it was time for us to introduce her to society. Let me just say Neil's mom, who has only the two boys, was ecstatic and was I. But you all know my tomboy girl, she was gritting her teeth through the whole process.
We spent almost three months in dance classes, most of the time twice a week. She had to have a boy escort. Unfortunately, there were not enough boys in the age group of 16-18 and so Zach got asked to be an escort ( Neil and his brother were escorts when they were younger). The kicker was that he was escorting his sister. Well you can guess how that went most days.
The event was formal, the debutante's have to wear white full gowns (wedding gowns) and the escorts have to wear tuxedo's. Neil also was in a tuxedo and I had to wear a formal, to the floor length gown ( that was an adventure to find in my size).
It was an amazing night. We were so proud. She looked amazing!

Zach was so handsome!

The deb's and the escorts

Sorry for the dark picture but this is Neil and I introducing Am.
Our family photo-

Here is a picture of Neil as an escort when he was 16 with his god sister Tina.

and this is the picture of them at Am's ball-

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