Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Falling apart

I feel like I am falling apart at the young age of 30 (something)..wink wink
For those of you I talk to alot you will know that I have been complaining of foot pain all summer. With my love of doctors I have put it off until yesterday. On another note, I opened a door last week and felt pain in my left wrist. It ached and felt miserable all last week- even had pain in my pinkie finger. So with both issues I decided to go see my friendly doctor. He thinks my wrist is arthritis- sent me for an x-ray. On to my foot- he thinks that is planter fasciitis. Another x-ray ordered and a prescription for Motrin.
Why didn't someone tell me that you fall apart at 30-something? I thought it happened at a much older age!

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