Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spelling Bee Champ

Today started out with everyone of us a nervous wreck. We headed to the Detroit public Library for the Wayne County District Spelling Bee. If you have been reading my blog than you will remember that in January, Zach won his school's spelling bee. We got to the Library in time to see the first district compete. Zach sat in his chair and spelled all the words, quietly. Then it was time for him to go back to the staging room. We said goodbye and off he went. His district had 16 other children in it. He looked like he may get sick when he took his seat on the stage. The pronouncer introduced each kid by saying their name, their school and the schools location. He then gave them a practice word. Zach's practice word was Academy- how funny was that- not only did the pronouncer just say Academy when he introduced him but it was on his Number tag that he wore on his chest. He continued to spell the following words- Morgue, Iguana, Corporal, Dynamic, Concerto, Parfait. At the point of Parfait, it was down to Zach and one other boy. Zach spelled Parfait correct and the other boy spelled his word wrong. That left Zach having to spell one more word to win. The word he got was Insidious. Which he spelled Insideous(After the Bee Zach said I knew how to spell it but I said the wrong letter- nervous). That meant that the boys had to go another round. Zach then got the word Metaphor. The other boy again spelled his word wrong. Back to Zach to spell Oratorio- Yeah we are not sure what it means either! But this is how he did-
As you can see HE WON!!!!
We are so excited. Couldn't stop shaking or crying. Whats the next step you ask- Well he will be going to Channel 7 news in Southfield to compete against the other 3 district champs for Wayne County on March 15th. The show will air on March 16th at approximately 7 pm.

1 comment:

kategrizz said...

I love how after he spells it right, the camera pans back to all of you guys standing and cheering!!

I'm so proud of Zach and so excited for you guys!! Congrats - and we can't wait to watch the next round on TV.... we're rooting for Zach to go to WASHINGTON!!!!