My last post was right before Amber was starting in her first Varsity
Basketball game. She was a ball of nerves. She went out and played really well. She did not score but she had several that were very close. We won that game 45 to 10. Last week we had 2 more games, which we won both. The best part was that she finally scored her first basket as a varsity player. It was great how the whole team was so supportive of her. They all stood up and cheered! The Lady Dragons are 9 wins to 3 loses. What a great season so far!
Zach has been busy with Boy Scouts. He just achieved the rank of Star Scout. We are so proud of him! He has his eyes set on becoming an Eagle Scout. For those of you that are not familiar with Boy Scouts- he only has Life and Eagle ranks to go. I know that sounds easy but it will take him about 2 years to accomplish all the requirements. Last week he made the schools finals for the
Scripps Spelling Bee. He held his own and had some very hard words. The judges had to confer on one of his spellings- Mahi Mahi- He spelled it with a - between the 2 words and the announcer told him he was wrong. Well it can be spelled either way and so they allowed him to continue on. The spelling bee only lasted 4 rounds with Zach being the winner! We are so excited for him. The next step is in March- he will go to District semi finals at the Detroit Library. This is all for the Scripps National Spelling Bee- the one that is broadcast on tv. If he wins the district semi finals then he goes on to District finals which will be on channel 7. The winner of that goes on to the National level with kids from across the country. Keep your fingers crossed.
Neil is getting ready to take a certification class through work. He is very excited about the opportunity. If all goes well he will be eligible for a new position in the company. I have been busy playing taxi driver and sports mom. Oh yeah, I also turned a year older and boy is it showing! I feel like singing-Wash that Gray Right out of my Hair! I have had lots of time to scrapbook. I need to take pictures and upload them to the Mega Meet gallery. I will also post some here. Until then...
Stay Warm
1 comment:
WTG Amber on the BBall - and WTG Zach on the Spelling Bee!
Time to watch "Akeela and the Bee"!
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