Friday, June 27, 2008

this is cara

posting on tara's freaky..

just wanted to show off my photoshop (elements) skills...cause i just made tara a new avatar...

i took these two pictures...

and made them into this....

aren't i amazing?

you can read more about me at my blog.
i'm done hijacking tara's blog now. please go back to your regular programming.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby from H***

Have been needing to post about our baby adventure. The last two weeks at our school is a program called Project Term. Project term is when the kids get to pick a class from a list that they want to learn more about. The list is topics that aren't normally taught during the year. Our daughter choose Child Development class. They had to wear a empathy belly, go visit the day care, talk about sex, talk about sexually transmitted diseases and care for a "real" baby doll. The baby has a computer chip that records how long it cries, if it has been shaken, if its head falls back and other items.

I call her after school on the day she is bring the baby home and she answers in a whisper. "Mom, I can't talk because I just got my baby back to sleep after he had been crying for 25 minutes." Then when I get to softball practice the team says "don't touch the baby because he cried the whole ride over." At this point we are liking the baby and the learning experience that she is getting.

Fast forward to bedtime- He is crying- she feeds him and changes his diaper and burps him. He continues to cry for 40 minutes. I can't even describe how freakin' loud this thing cries. Needless to say he was up crying 4 times in the night. Every time we are up 45 minutes at least while she does all the things she needs to and he just cries. Hence the reason for the title of this blog.
This definitely made an impression on both of our children! It also reinforced to Neil and I the reason he had his procedure.

Happy Birthday Secret Asian Man

Today my S.A.M. turned 35!

I asked him what he wanted the next year to bring. To which he replied, in his own unique way, I hope to grow some hair.

Happy Birthday my love!

Driving-oh my!

Amber started drivers training on the 9th. She had 3 days of classes before she had her first day of driving. They pick the kids up at there homes and then they are returned home after driving. I need to clarify-Amber was picked up second and the first teen was driving here and then drove for an hour. They then switched drivers and Amber got to drive the second hour. Yes , that means her very first time driving was out on the road. Her driving second makes it hard for me to get a picture of her behind the wheel. Here she is riding in the back seat on the first day-

So fast forward to last Saturday (June 21)- She has to drive and I am away at the Baker Bed and Breakfast for Girl's weekend (more to come on that fun adventure). I get a text message that reads "I did it" and a picture of a pink piece of paper that says Driving permit. I call to find out what that means. She drove through a hail and rain storm so she is getting great bad weather driving practice. Anyway, after her hour she was handed a driving permit so that she can drive with Neil or I. She hasn't even finished class yet! She has her written test on Thursday and then drives all weekend and Monday. After Monday then she has to go apply for her more permanent permit- the one she has now is only good through the 5th. I can't believe she is old enough to be driving.

I have spent lots of time the last two days letting her drive me around. She is actually a pretty good driver. Only a few minor things that I have had to give her more instruction on- like breaking too long in a turn- I am so afraid of being rear ended!

I will keep you posted on her success and completion of Level 1 Drivers Education.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I can say that summer has official started because I finished my last day of work for 2 months. I will be filling in for Missy while she takes her 2 week vacation in July. I am glad to be done.

We have no big plans for the summer. The Guys will be going to Boy Scout summer camp at the end of the month. Amber has started Drivers Ed and will start driving this Thursday. I have 2 trips to the Baker Bed and Breakfast scheduled- which is always a great time! I hope to be able to make a trip North and maybe this year make it over to Mackinaw Island (I say that every year and we never seem to make it!). Can you believe Neil and I have never been, its sad but true.

Have pictures to upload of some events that I need to blog about. I can't seem to get my camera to download my pictures only Neil can get it to work. Sometimes I hate technology!

Stay Cool!