As you can see I started this blog in July. I wasn't happy with the name I choose or the way it was set up. I finally found a name I liked and decided that I was ready to move forward.
Since last post..
Amber has started High School. We are finding that it is more difficult then we imagined. For the first time she has a C. The level of work is very challenging. I am told not to worry yet as she will find her groove. Volleyball is going well and taking up everyday. She enjoys having Hillary for her coach.
Zach is enjoying Middle School and having a laptop to work on. He is excelling in band again this year and is in the advanced band program. His goal is to be first chair for his section. I guess I should tell you that he plays the clarinet. He is also advancing in Boy Scouts. He always has is goal of being an Eagle Scout in the forefront of his mind. We are assured he will reach that goal.
Neil and I are just busy keeping up with the kids activities. We are also house hunting! We can't wait to move.
Off to do some scrapping-