Thursday, July 12, 2007


has been busy. We have been doing some home repairs that we need to finish this weekend. I always love the thought of painting until I actually start! We are trying to get the painting and projects done before my Essential Body Wear Party that is on Monday night.

In June Amber graduated from 8th grade. Wow, hard to believe that we have a high schooler! She is anxiously awaiting her schedule.
Zach is going into 7th grade. He did really well in school this year. He was first chair in band for the clarinet. He loves being a Boy Scout. His goal is to be an Eagle Scout. Right now he is a
First Class Scout. Next week he is attending 2 Merit Badge workshops at Wayne County Community College.
Neil is working. Still likes his job. He is an Assistant Scoutmaster in Zach's troop and is getting ready to go to summer camp with them.
Thats what has been happening around here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while. Finally decide to take the plunge. My goals for my blog is to keep family and friends updated on what is happening in our family.
I will post again soon.